Best Website Awards

Each year the Web Marketing Association names the Best web sites in 96 industry categories as part of the annual WebAward Competition. 

Here is your chance to stand out from your competitors and win the recognition you deserve while receiving valuable independent feedback on your development efforts.

Best websites are selected by judges who review the entered websites using the seven criteria below:

2023 Best of Show website
Will your site be next?

  • Design
  • Ease of use
  • Copywriting
  • Interactivity
  • Use of technology
  • Innovation
  • Content


WebAward Participants receive:

  • A feeling of anticipation as you wait for the judging results.
  • An independent evaluation of your Website
  • Valuable feedback to help Benchmark your efforts


image descriptionIf your site wins a WebAward, you will also get:  

  • A beautiful statue or certificate of achievement to display proudly
  • Higher visibility for your company
  • A great marketing opportunity to promote your site to the media
  • Links to your site from the highly ranked WebAward site to help SEO
  • The admiration of peers, friends and co-workers – maybe even a raise!

The deadline for the 2024 WebAwards has come and gone. The 2025 WebAward Competition will begin in April. Please add your name to our mailing list to be notified when you can submit your site and when award winners are announced.

Click here now to open a free nominator account!