WebAward Judge Profile: Anna Farmery

The Engaging Brand
Managing Director

When I set up my own company, social media was relatively new (2005). I was confused about the best tools to promote and indeed, grow my business. Almost a decade later social media has become my most powerful platform for relationship building, awareness and turning ideas into sales.

Strangely, I am a Chartered Accountant, have an MBA in marketing, a 1st Class Law Degree and over 20 years as a global Finance & HR Corporate Director for FMCG businesses. I bring thatvaried commercial experience to your social business strategy. Many experts understand aspects of social media, my background allows me to think wider than the tools & help you to understand:

"How to create a social strategy that delivers measurable results"

So how do I help people?

1) Businesses - Do you need someone to guide you through the creation of a social business strategy? Do you need someone who can ask the right questions for you to find the right answer FOR YOU? Do you need a mix of training, workshops and mentoring?

2) Entrepreneurs - I know what it is like to build a company from scratch. I know what it takes - and indeed what not to do! - to grow a profitable business on a tight budget. Do you need an online mentor? Do you need training and coaching sessions online at a time that doesn't impact your business? Do you need someone to ask the right questions?

3) Conference and event planners - Are you looking for a Keynote Speaker that motivates rather than talks at the audience? Are you wanting someone to explain social business in simple terms? Are you wanting someone described at a Melcrum event in Belgium as "a ball of energy and crammed packed of ideas"

4) Individuals - I produce The Engaging Brand podcast - nominated for 6 years running for the Best Business podcast - 600 episodes for you to learn from great business thinkers. I also run online mentoring for busy entrepreneurs.


The Engaging Brand's Website

Anna Farmery's Linked-In Page