The Web Marketing Association is proud to present this 2009 Internet Advertising Competition Award for
Outstanding Achievement in Internet Advertising.


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Best Computer: Software Websites

Abandoned shopping carts are a mild nuisance in the physical world. However, in the online world abandoned shopping carts are a serious problem for retail web sites. An estimated $63 billion is lost every year due to shopping cart abandonment, and most of it is caused by consumer concerns about security and fraud. The objective of was to show online retailers how to prevent cart abandonment by letting consumers know it’s safe to shop with the Internet’s most trusted and most visible Web site security—VeriSign Extended Validation SSL. is the personal crusade of one Mr. Liberty Fillmore, a.k.a. the Cart Whisperer. Liberty was born with the unique ability to talk to shopping carts, rescuing them from abandonment and assuring them that people can trust and use them to fulfill their “cartly duties.” Liberty is featured in a series of short mockumentary films that each tell part of his story. He’s built an informative site in the interweb. He’s on Facebook, MySpace and has photos on Flickr. The campaign was launched by seeding the “World Premiere” video on YouTube and in existing video player applications on Facebook. It was immediately written up and shared on blogs as well as within Facebook. Liberty’s newfound celebrity led to appearances at two Internet security tradeshows, an appearance on a Canadian TV pilot, and a live interview on Dublin’s most popular radio show. Results: #1 video on G4TV’s Attack of the Show Videos viewed 4.6 million times on YouTube alone #2 Most Viewed video of the week on YouTube #2 Most Viewed video of the day on YouTube 120,000 site visits spending 0:04:13 per visit


McCann World Group:


Location: USA