Congratulations to WebAward Winners!
The 2023 Best of Show WebAward is presented EPAM Systems, Inc. for their outstanding work on the Aston Martin Website. The site was also recognized as Best Automobile Website. The discerning Aston Martin customers share a lust for life and pursuing experiences that deliver intense pleasure. They have a true passion for cars and are obsessed with craft and detail. To meet their specific needs, EPAM Systems created a rich digital transformation that was less a one-off technology project, and more a state of perpetual responsiveness. One that reinforces Aston Martin’s position as the most desirable British luxury performance brand, by delivering a class-leading customer experience.
For the second year in a row, Australia-based welcome. was named Top Agency at the 2023 WebAward Competition, taking home 10 WebAwards and earning 37 quality point this year. The Top Agency Award is given to recognize the consistently outstanding development going on at interactive firms. welcome. was recognized in the 2023 WebAwards for Best Technology Website, Best Manufacturing Website, Best Retail Website, as well as six Outstanding Website WebAwards and a Standard of Excellence WebAwards. Welcome. crafts brands, digital experiences, products and marketing strategies that grow brands and businesses.
How it works
There are 97 industry categories and each site goes head-to-head with other sites in their categories and the highest score is selected Best of Industry winner in that category. Of the remaining entries, if they received a score of 60 or greater out of a possible 70 points granted by the judges, the entry receive the Outstanding Website award. Entries that scored above the average for their industry and 59.9 receive the Standard of Excellence award. If you were involved with an award winning entry and would like to order a personalized WebAward plaque or certificate, please use our online order form. The Top Agency Award is given to recognize the consistently outstanding development going on at interactive firms. There are 97 industry categories and each site goes head-to-head with other sites in their categories and the highest score is selected Best of Industry winner in that category. WebAward plaque or certificate, please use our online order form.
| Advertising | Advocacy | Airline | Architecture | Arts | Associations | Automobile | B2B | Bank | Beverage | Biotechnology | Blockchain | Blog | Catalog | Computer: Hardware | Computer: Software | Construction | Consulting | Consumer Goods | Cooking and Recipe | Credit Union | Crypto Currency | Customer Service Portal | Design | Directory or Search Engine | Education | Electronics | Employment | Energy | Entertainment | Environmental | Events | E-Zine | Faith-based | Family | Fashion or Beauty | Financial Services | Food Industry | General Interest | Government | Health Care | Healthcare Provider | Home Building | Hotel and Lodging | Information Services | Insurance | Interactive Services | International Business | Intranet | Investment | Legal | Leisure | LGBTQ | Magazine | Marketing | Manufacturing | Media | Medical | Medical Equipment | Military | Mobile | Music | Mutual Fund | News | Non-Profit | Online Community | Other | Pharmaceuticals | Photography | Political | Professional Services | Public Relations | Publishing | Radio | Real Estate | Recreation | Regional | Restaurant | Retail | SAAS | School | Science | Shopping | Small Business | Sports | Technology | Telecommunication | Transportation | Travel | University